Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunny won the contest!


Parents of Slain Navy SEAL: The White House Is Responsible


To my facebook "Friends"

Posted on my personal page this morning.

My friends, I get the Mothers Day meme and changing your profile pictures even though I did not get the official Memo. And I have a question for you. Even though I know the answer which you obviously do not, when will you see the spark-lies for what they are and wake up?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Checkmate: From global makeover to takeover

"There is a firewall that exists between these global power elite and their objectives. It is a sovereign United States of America, much as it always has been in modern times. Now, however, we have been weakened from within, and our sovereignty is being significantly eroded through multiple and tenacious assaults against our freedoms and liberties. This is the result of a collective acquiescence and our lack of resistance to tyranny disguised as security, and immorality in many forms presented as tolerance. We are thus left in a weakened state, with a collective majority unable to think clearly or fight to regain the Godly values upon which our nation was founded. This has been by design, not default."

Checkmate: From global makeover to takeover