Thursday, August 11, 2011


 This past weekend I traded my 93 Chevy S-10 for a 68 Chevy C/10. There were several reasons for doing this. I wanted a full size truck. I wanted a vehicle that does not have chips that can be destroyed by EMP from sun activity or worse circumstances. It is far easier and cheaper to work on and maintain, I can even stock up on fewer spare parts.

 However it is ugly and I do not like the color as it stands out way to much as a target. Although it has less rust than the 93 I will think about getting the body touched up and painted a different color.

 The good news is that it is tight with the engine and almost all of the other parts rebuilt on the original 307 engine. It is strong and will burn the big tires on it. Brakes need work but that and the body/color is about all that needs attention.

 My best friend found this and traded a motorcycle for it and rebuilt most of it himself because he knew what I wanted and he wanted the S-10 (Which I bought from his father before he passed and has extremely low mileage and a 4.3 liter engine). Bless you Larry!

 I think I will enjoy this old vehicle very much over the coming years.


  1. That is NOT a target. It looks like a rural truck. I wouldn't look twice at it, even in town.

  2. I was thinking post SHTF and would prefer a darker color. This area of the country is very green and the yellow would stand out.

    You may be right though Wirecutter as I am in a suburban area this may not matter as much. At any rate a brake job and spare parts are first on the list.
