Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Out of my comfort zone!

 I stopped by Walmart on the way home from work to pick up some items before the holiday. The place was absolutely packed as I have never seen it before. There were many young adults/teenagers hanging around obviously not there to purchase anything. This made my self preservation sense kick in to high mode. I found myself constantly looking around at those close to me. 

Occasionally I felt my personal space invaded and became very uncomfortable with the crowd and those too close behind me. People today (especially the younger ones) have little understanding of the comfort zone of personal space and will invade it without a second thought. I had more patience with the older ones for some reason maybe because they were less of a threat to me.

  Absolutely no one acted as an actual threat however I was concerned by way some of these people were dressed, their actions and their very bad vocabulary which including cursing every other word. Many were unhappy at the long checkout lines however most behaved. Some groups of youth gathered in the isles blocking shoppers, one young girl had a group of about ten followers and was complaining that "that bitch was complainin cuz I smoked in her place and I said fuck that shit hoe..." as I maneuvered around them. These people have no regard for others in any way, shape or form. They do not even realize or care that others are around them let alone their feelings as to such language.

 This leads me to the point of this post. Once again I feel the need to carry a concealed weapon. I do not like that it is coming down to this as I can usually avoid trouble. However I am growing increasingly concerned about my ability to avoid trouble due to the fact that trouble is showing up more frequently in every type of location and venue.

  I am going to start looking for a smaller 9mm that I can carry inside my waistband and hope to hell I will never have to pull it out. I will only pull it out if escape is not possible and I fully intend to pull the trigger to eliminate the threat. I have had a CCDW in this state for years, went through the training, shoot at the range and have never felt the need to carry as much as now. I have not carried for years after leaving the security management industry but as soon as I find a comfortable carry weapon that I can shoot well with I will start again. It is getting much worse out there on a daily basis look around pay attention and you will see it too.

 If anyone has a recommendation for a small 9mm leave it in the comments.

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