Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Obama Pushing American People closer to Armed Resistance


Obama Pushing American People closer to Armed Resistance

1 comment:

  1. They ( the PTB) know it, Obarky is pushing it, they want it, imho. They know what's coming and they prepared for it.

    This never got the press it deserved. 175,000,000 rounds of .223 ammo. RFP in May 2012.

    MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM THRESHOLDS: The contract or contracts for .223 Remington Caliber SD and .223 Remington Caliber EP Ammunition awarded under this solicitation will have a base period of one year, plus four one-year options. The maximum threshold throughout the 5-year duration of this requirement is 175,000,000 rounds. However, in the event of multiple awards of both requirements are made, the contract maximum will be evenly divided amongst awardees based on the type of ammunition provided. In the event that multiple awards for either the EP or the SD are made the maximum threshold will be evenly divided by the 10 million rounds of EP required over the next 5 years or the 165,000,000 rounds of SD required over the next 5 years whichever is applicable. The guaranteed minimum of any contract awarded is 10,000 rounds of ammunition and is applicable to the base year only.

