Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Nation Adrift

"However, in order to weather the potential catastrophe looming over the horizon and the tumult inherent in a requisite change of direction, the American people must begin to acknowledge that throughout history, the key to peace and prosperity lies in a relationship with God and striving to live by traditional moral and ethical guidelines. In the 1840's Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: "Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith."  Once established, liberty cannot be sustained without a just and moral society"

A Nation Adrift

1 comment:

  1. I have found that people who may not have 'faith' per se, but who have solid Christian values, to be very solid allies, and trustworthy friends.

    Trust not what comes from a man's lips (or keyboard) in support of the Lord, but rather what comes from his heart in support of what is right.

    Those who seek to live in Rightful Liberty are respectful of other's Rightful Liberty, and are true friends indeed. :)
