Friday, November 16, 2012

Stop feeding the beast

"What’s our best chance? I asked."

“Well, there is fear in DC, real fear, of not secession itself, but the spirit of the people behind the secession movement. If the people figure it out in time, unite and say no more for you until you get your act together, well, like I said, it is this that they fear the most.”

" As we were about to part, my friend looked at me and said that things are about ready to get bad across the country, “like Hurricane Sandy bad.” He continued, “like I told you, a perfect storm is in the making. The agenda is the ‘takedown of America from within.’ You see it unfolding before your very eyes with the military, and the loss of political will by the establishment right to fight for their country. Next, it’s the economy.”

"What’s our best chance? I asked."

“Well, there is fear in DC, real fear, of not secession itself, but the spirit of the people behind the secession movement. If the people figure it out in time, unite and say no more for you until you get your act together, well, like I said, it is this that they fear the most.”"

The alligator at our door

They fear the loss of our money the most!


  1. People are figuring out that the boogeymen under the bed have no fangs. And that scares the shit out of the boogeymen. ;)
